Unlock the Power of IBM i at POWERUp 2025!

Join us in Disneyland, California, for POWERUp 2025, the premier conference for IBM i professionals. Whether you’re an experienced expert or just starting your IBM i journey, this event offers unparalleled education, hands-on workshops, and valuable networking opportunities. Stay ahead of the curve with insights from industry leaders, explore the latest innovations, and connect with a thriving community that shares your passion for IBM i. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge, grow your skills, and power up your career!

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Tuesday, May 20

8:00am PDT

SQL Coding Tips and Techniques
Tuesday May 20, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am PDT
SQL is a very powerful language for processing data. There are many ways to write SQL statements to get the desired results. However, not all queries are created equal. This session will compare different ways to approach a problem from an SQL perspective in terms of code maintenance and performance. Taking the right approach for writing SQL helps Db2 for i help you.
avatar for Kent Milligan

Kent Milligan

Senior Db2 for i Consultant, IBM
Kent Milligan is a Senior Db2 for i Consultant in IBM Technology Expert Labs. Kent has over 25 years of experience as a Db2 for IBM i consultant and developer working out of the IBM Rochester lab. Prior to re-joining the Db2 for i Expert Labs practice in 2020, Kent spent 5 years... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am PDT
Room 4 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

9:15am PDT

ILE Concepts - and Analyzing ILE Objects with IBM i/Db2 Services
Tuesday May 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am PDT
Programs, Modules, Service Programs, Internal and exported Functions and Procedures, Binding Directories ... in short ILE Concepts are necessary for a modular and modern programming in RPG and other ILE messages. But ... sometimes still a mess.
Once the Concepts are understood and used, programs can easily be created by putting "puzzle pieces" pieces together, i.e. calling functions and procedures.
But how to analyze our ILE Objects, i.e. where are our procedures/functions located, which modules are bound to what (service-)programs etc?
The good news is, IBM provided in the last releases and technology refreshes a lot of powerful IBM and Db2 Services.
Among these services are also all kinds of Services for analyzing and managing ILE Objects.
This session combines an introduction into the ILE Concepts and shows what services are available for analyzing the ILE Objects (modules, programs, service programs, modules …)
avatar for Birgitta Hauser

Birgitta Hauser

Database and Software Architect, IBM Champion, Birgitta Hauser - Modernization - Education - Consulting
Birgitta Hauser worked on the IBM i and its predecessors since 1992. She graduated with a business economics diploma, and started programming on the AS/400 in 1992. She worked and works as traditional RPG Programmer but also as Database and Software Engineer, focusing on IBM i application... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am PDT
Room 2 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

10:45am PDT

ACS and Db2 for i Explained
Tuesday May 20, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
In this session, you’ll hear the inside scoop about IBM i ACS Db2 tooling from from Ryan (Db2 on i Developer) & Wayne (IBM i ACS Support)

We will explore IBM i ACS Db2 tools in a fun and interactive live demo environment where along the way you will hopefully have a better understanding of all ACS has to offer in the Db2 tooling space.
avatar for Wayne Bowers

Wayne Bowers

Software Engineer, IBM
Wayne Bowers has been with IBM since 1997, where he works with the IBM i Global Support Center in Rochester MN. He is an Advisory Software Engineer specializing in the support of the IBM i Access (aka Client Access) products, Console, the TCP Telnet communications server, and the... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Room 3 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

10:45am PDT

Database Modernization – An Evolution Not Revolution
Tuesday May 20, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Modernizing applications and neglecting the database? Think converting from DDS to DDL is enough database modernization? It may be enough, although there’s more to the database than the way it’s defined. This session explores database modernization techniques from an evolution perspective for continuous change. And, how that type of database modernization compliments application modernization.
avatar for John Westcott

John Westcott

Db2 for i Consultant and Team Lead, IBM
John Westcott is the Db2 for i Team Lead in IBM Technology Expert Labs. John is highyly skilled in SQL, RPG, Data Analytics, Rest API, and both database and application modernization. John has over 35 years of experience on IBM i and it's past family of names. John has a storied career... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Room 13 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

3:15pm PDT

Analyzing Geospatial Data Using Db2 for i
Tuesday May 20, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm PDT
In everyday life when we asks questions like “Where is the nearest coffee shop” or “How far away is the airport” we are asking questions about geospatial data. Geospatial data is used to represent objects and events that occur on the surface of the earth. Geospatial analytics allows you to not only store geospatial data representing real location in your database, but to also compare and analyze geographic relationships and trends.
avatar for John Westcott

John Westcott

Db2 for i Consultant and Team Lead, IBM
John Westcott is the Db2 for i Team Lead in IBM Technology Expert Labs. John is highyly skilled in SQL, RPG, Data Analytics, Rest API, and both database and application modernization. John has over 35 years of experience on IBM i and it's past family of names. John has a storied career... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm PDT
Room 3 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

3:15pm PDT

Commitment Control – Transaction Control
Tuesday May 20, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm PDT
In applications multiple steps have to be consolidated and executed as a unit (Transaction), That means either all steps or none of the steps must be performed. Example: An order has to be completely delivered or not at all.
No problem if everything is okay, but what if there is suddenly not enough inventory for one position?
Everything has to be reset … and this can become tricky, because multiple programs were executed, multiple rows in different tables were updated and may be even constraints or triggers were activated.
The solution is Commitment Control. Even though Commitment Control is not new, it is only rarely used in (traditional) IBM i applications. … but it is essential for keeping data consistent, especially when using techniques such as referential integrities and triggers.
… and it is even for traditional applications important.
… so, it is time to start!     
avatar for Birgitta Hauser

Birgitta Hauser

Database and Software Architect, IBM Champion, Birgitta Hauser - Modernization - Education - Consulting
Birgitta Hauser worked on the IBM i and its predecessors since 1992. She graduated with a business economics diploma, and started programming on the AS/400 in 1992. She worked and works as traditional RPG Programmer but also as Database and Software Engineer, focusing on IBM i application... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm PDT
Room 13 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

4:30pm PDT

SQL Merge: One-Statement for Data Modifications
Tuesday May 20, 2025 4:30pm - 4:50pm PDT
Have you ever needed to handle multiple cases when inserting, updating, or deleting records from a table? Don't you wish you could handle all of these cases in one single statement? Well, you can! In this session we will cover how and when to use the SQL Merge statement to make our code more concise and more efficient for data modifications
avatar for Mike Zaringhalam

Mike Zaringhalam

Developer, PC Richard & Son
Have you ever wanted to meet someone who started Hawaiian Shirt Fridays at their work place? If the answer is 'Yes!', then feel free to reach out with any questions you have regarding Hawaiian shirts... Or IBM i related topics. My main focuses are RDi, DB2, Modernization, and D... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 4:30pm - 4:50pm PDT
Room 3 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

4:30pm PDT

The simplicity of audit columns
Tuesday May 20, 2025 4:30pm - 4:50pm PDT
Simon will explain the simplicity of using Db2 audit columns for providing audit columns to your DDL tables & DDS files. He will give examples of how to create system maintained columns or add them to existing tables & files. Then show how they can be hidden from common users.
avatar for Simon Hutchinson

Simon Hutchinson

Founder & author, RPGPGM.COM
Simon Hutchinson has been writing his highly acclaimed IBM i blog, RPGPGM.COM, for eleven years sharing his knowledge, experience, and giving many detailed examples of the latest RPG, SQL, and CL. His work has led him to be recognized by IBM as an IBM Champion for Power and IBM i Community Advocate. He is a subject matter expert for COMMON Americas, awarded... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 4:30pm - 4:50pm PDT
Room 4 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

5:05pm PDT

SQL Final Table - Retrieving Data Changes
Tuesday May 20, 2025 5:05pm - 5:25pm PDT
There are some SQL functionalities that go unnoticed regardless of skill level. One of these possible unknown functionalities is the Final Table statement. In this session we will cover how we can leverage the final table statement and when it may be best to do so.
avatar for Mike Zaringhalam

Mike Zaringhalam

Developer, PC Richard & Son
Have you ever wanted to meet someone who started Hawaiian Shirt Fridays at their work place? If the answer is 'Yes!', then feel free to reach out with any questions you have regarding Hawaiian shirts... Or IBM i related topics. My main focuses are RDi, DB2, Modernization, and D... Read More →
Tuesday May 20, 2025 5:05pm - 5:25pm PDT
Room 3 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802
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