Unlock the Power of IBM i at POWERUp 2025!

Join us in Disneyland, California, for POWERUp 2025, the premier conference for IBM i professionals. Whether you’re an experienced expert or just starting your IBM i journey, this event offers unparalleled education, hands-on workshops, and valuable networking opportunities. Stay ahead of the curve with insights from industry leaders, explore the latest innovations, and connect with a thriving community that shares your passion for IBM i. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge, grow your skills, and power up your career!

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Wednesday, May 21

8:00am PDT

The basics of moving from fixed format RPG to complete free form RPG.
Wednesday May 21, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am PDT
Fixed format is still a heavily used code base and many developers need to be able to at least read it. But, what if you were able to read it and translate that into complete free form RPG? we will look at how to read fixed form RPG and give you the skills to actually translate into a more modern RPG. 
Wednesday May 21, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am PDT
Room 9 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

9:15am PDT

Are you a Sail or an Anchor?
Wednesday May 21, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am PDT
Throughout your career you will be placed into many situations. You will work with peers, subordinates and superiors. You will work with vendors and customers. You will work with those inside and outside of Information Technology. All of those people will form an opinion of you. What will it be?

Each time you meet a challenge, each time you are asked for your opinion, each time you will provide input. In what manner will you respond?

At the end of the day, will people think of you as a Sail or an Anchor?
avatar for Larry Bolhuis

Larry Bolhuis

Cloud and Datacenter Engineer, IBM Champion, Service Express Inc.
Larry has grown up with computers since his father became a CE in 1967. He obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calvin College in 1982 and soon after began working on IBM midrange equipment with the S/34 and S/36. Larry began working on the As/400 at its introduction In 1988.After spending many years as a developer Larry began working on communications, networking, and systems management tasks. Years of... Read More →
Wednesday May 21, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am PDT
Room 9 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

10:45am PDT

SQL for the RPG Programmer “How To”: Working with SQL Services
Wednesday May 21, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
SQL is THE recommended interface from applications into your data. This session focuses on how using SQL services extends what you can do in these application.
avatar for Vern Hamberg

Vern Hamberg

Senior iSeries Developer, OneMain Financial
Vern has worked on IBM midrange systems for over 30 years, beginning with the System/38 and AS/400. At present he is a Senior iSeries Developer at OneMain Financial. He serves on the COMMON Strategic Education Team (SET), is one of the SMEs for Db2, and has served on the COMMON Americas... Read More →
Wednesday May 21, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Room 9 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

3:45pm PDT

Embedding SQL into Your Legacy RPG Programs
Wednesday May 21, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm PDT
Embedding SQL into legacy code can be scary. In this session we will explore embedding SQL into legacy code. I will demonstrate very simple methods to get started. We will explore some examples of simple SQL, work our way through reading from cursors and demonstrate how to convert physical files to SQL tables
avatar for Gregory Simmons

Gregory Simmons

Software Engineer, PC Richard & Son
Gregory Simmons is a Software Engineer at P.C. Richard & Son. He is a COMMON certified Application Developer – ILE RPG on IBM I on Power. He is also a registered instructor with IBM’s Academic Initiative and an RPG and IBM i instructor at Scott Regional Technology Center, where... Read More →
Wednesday May 21, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm PDT
Room 9 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

5:00pm PDT

Mastering IBM i: Efficient Development with Optimized SQLRPG
Wednesday May 21, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm PDT

Understand how an IBMi developer can leverage their skills to efficiently scan source code using RPG. This opens doors to a multiple powerful and versatile applications like:

1) Impact Analyser: Perform impact analysis for field or file changes to identify all files and programs accessing a specific field.

2) Field Transformation: Display and modify all files and programs that utilize a specific field.

3) Object Dependencies: Identify all programs that are invoking the specific program.

4) Coding Standard Inspector: Analyse code to identify deviations from coding standards.


Equip developers with advanced embedded SQL techniques to build more robust, efficient, and maintainable RPG applications by enhancing data manipulation, retrieval, and performance.

1) SQL Cursors vs. RPG Op Codes: Cursors offer more flexibility, simplifying data handling and maintainability.

2) Single vs. Multiple Fetch: Choose single fetch for precision or multiple fetches for batch processing to optimize retrieval.

3) Performance Tools: Use query hints and execution plans to enhance SQL performance in RPG applications.
avatar for Jeroen Van Dun

Jeroen Van Dun

IBM Champion & Product Manager, Rocket Software
Wednesday May 21, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
Room 9 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802
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